Your #1 Spot For Vision Learning Resources
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Vision Links
Vision and Learning
- All About Vision and Learning
Browse through this large collection of articles by the PTA, School Nurse News, Web MD, professors, eye doctors, and more…
- What is Vision Therapy
Vision therapy definitions and frequently asked questions
- About Success in School with Vision Therapy
Read stories written by students, parents, and teachers about improved grades, reading, spelling, math, handwriting, and more.
- Attention Deficit Disorder and Vision
Is it really ADD/ADHD or is it an undetected vision problem and how vision therapy can help.
- Convergence Insufficiency and Reading Problems
This article by an eye doctor explains how and why convergence insufficiency causes problems with reading and learning. See the illustrations!
- Dyslexia and Vision
The American Academy of Optometrists and the American Optometric Organization discuss vision, learning-related vision problems, and dyslexia.
- Tracking Problems and Reading Difficulties
Article by an eye doctor explains how and why tracking problems interfere with reading skills. See the illustrations
- Vision Therapy and Learning Disabilities
As part of an interview, an eye doctor discusses whether vision therapy helps learning disabilities or learning-related vision problems.
- What is Vision Therapy?
Various definitions of vision therapy by American Optometric Association, eye doctors, and patient advocates.
- United States Directory of Vision Therapy Providers
This directory provides free referrals to board certified providers of vision therapy. Find an eye doctor in another state.
- Vision Therapy FAQs
An eye doctor answers questions about vision therapy in an interview.
- PAVE – Parents Active for Vision Education
- What is a Complete Eye Exam?
It is not enough to test the clarity of eyesight at a distance of 20 feet (known as 20/20). A complete visual evaluation tests many aspects of vision.
- Optometrists and Ophthalmologists
What are the differences in practice focus between a pediatric optometrist and a pediatric ophthalmologist?
- Choosing an Eye Doctor
Comments by educators on choosing pediatric vision care for a child.
- Vision Glossary
Build your visual health vocabulary!
- Binocular Vision
How does it work? Why do we need it?
- Lazy Eye, Crossed-Eyes, Strabismus, etc.
A large web site with many pages of easy-to-understand information on lazy eye, crossed-eyes (strabismus), eye muscle surgery, binocular vision impairments, and much more.
- Eye Muscle Surgery and Vision Therapy
Eye muscle surgery, a common treatment for crossed eyes and lazy eye, does not have great success rates. Even when necessary, eye muscle surgery has had improved success rates when coordinated with pre- and/or post-surgical vision therapy.
- Eye Doctors and 3D Vision
Eye doctors use stereoscopic 3D images to develop and reinforce 3D vision.
- The Stereo Vision Project
What is stereo vision? What is a binocular vision impairment?
Learn to see in 3D! Visit the 3D Art Gallery and view Magic Eye stereograms, stereo photographs, optical illusions, and much more.
- Optometrists Network
A national network of optometrists.
- COVD – The College of Optometrists in Vision Development
An international professional organization which grants board certification in vision therapy to optometrists.
- AOA – The American Optometric Association
Organization of 32,000 optometrists.
- OEP – Optometric Extension Program Foundation
Serving the educational needs of optometrists.
- NORA – Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation Association International, Inc.
An organization which provides direction for the visual rehabilitation of persons who have physical disabilities and/or traumatic brain injuries (TBI).