Karen’s Vision Therapy Success Story

Vision Therapy Success Levin eye care center

Before coming to Levin Eye Care Center’s vision therapy program Karen was struggling to read and concentrate on her schoolwork. Karen would frequently have migraines during and after school that made it difficult to focus.


  • Migraines
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Struggles with schoolwork
  • Didn’t enjoy reading

Karen was able focus on her schoolwork and concentrate on her studies after completing the vision therapy program at Levin Eye Care Center. She also had a significant decrease in the amount of migraines and is currently working in the medical field and in graduate school. Karen can now finish a book quickly in one sitting and loves to read!


  1. Decreased headaches and migraines
  2. Increased focus
  3. Loves reading
  4. Graduate student

“Thank you Dr. Levin! I don’t think I would be where I am today without Vision Therapy”

-Karen Stengler

Watch Karen’s story to learn how vision therapy can change your life!

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