Child’s Eye Health Tips

Keeping Our Kids’ Eyes Healthy and Bright: Here’s What You Need to Know

Our world is becoming more digital every day, so we must protect our kids’ eyesight. So, whether you’re a parent or grandparent, here are some child’s eye health tips that can help to keep their future bright. 

Eye Checkups: We take our kids to the doctor to check their growth and health; their eyes also need regular checkups. The award winning Dr. Steven A Levin can spot problems early on, such as ‘lazy eye’ or ‘crossed eyes,’ which are easier to fix when caught early.


Good Food: What we eat impacts our eyes. Vitamins A, C, E, and minerals like zinc are great for eye health. Omega-3 fatty acids, usually found in fish, are super important too. Encourage a balanced diet full of fruits, veggies, and nutrient-rich foods.


Screen Breaks: In today’s world, it’s hard to escape screens. But did you know that too much screen time can strain our eyes? Follow the 20-20-20 rule: after every 20 minutes of screen time, look at something about 20 feet away for 20 seconds.


Get Outside: Playing outside is fun and good for the eyes. Being in sunlight and looking at distant objects can help prevent nearsightedness.


Wear the Right Gear: Safety first, right? Wear the proper protective glasses whether your child plays a sport or works on a school project. Look for ones with polycarbonate lenses because they are tough and can withstand high impacts.


Protect from Sun: Kids’ eyes are sensitive to UV radiation. So, remember to make your child wear sunglasses that offer 100% UV protection when they’re out in the sun. Yes, even when it’s cloudy.


Wash Hands Often: We all know kids love to explore. But touching their eyes with dirty hands can lead to eye infections. So, let’s make sure they know the importance of washing their hands and not sharing towels or handkerchiefs.

By following these tips, we can help our kids keep their eyes healthy and vision clear. So, let’s help them see the world in all its brilliance. Watch the video below to learn the importance of children’s eye exams.



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Has your child or loved one had an eye exam this year? If not, give us a call or text 219-659-3050 to schedule your appointment to experience award winning eye care today!



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