The Importance of Pediatric Eye Exams

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Pediatric Eye Exams

What Are Pediatric Eye Exams?

Pediatric eye exams are special check-ups to examine your child’s eyes and vision. The eye experts at Levin Eye Care Center are an award-winning team specializing in pediatric care and are qualified to care for your child’s eyes.

Why Are These Eye Exams So Important For Children?

While you might be on top of your game when it comes to regular check-ups, there’s one crucial aspect of your child’s health that sometimes gets overlooked – their eyes. We will explain why Pediatric Eye Exams are super important for your kiddos. 

Early Detection of Vision Problems

Imagine your child is struggling to see the chalkboard at school, but they never tell you. That could make it challenging for them to learn. Pediatric Eye Exams can spot common vision issues like nearsightedness (can’t see far), farsightedness (can’t see close), or astigmatism (blurry vision). By catching these problems early, you can help your child see clearly and succeed in school.

Beating Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) with Pediatric Eye Exams

Ever heard of a “lazy eye“? It’s a condition known as Amblyopia, when one eye doesn’t develop correctly because it’s not being used enough. However, Pediatric Eye Exams can spot this too! And when it’s caught early, treatments like our Vision Therapy Program can help the weak eye get stronger. Without treatment, it could cause permanent vision problems. 

Detecting Sneaky Eye Diseases

Eye diseases aren’t just for grown-ups. They can affect kids, too! Conditions like glaucoma or cataracts can be found during these eye exams. If they’re detected early, doctors can treat them better and reduce the risk of vision loss. That’s a big win!

Keeping Eyes Healthy

Pediatric Eye Exams don’t just check vision. They look at the eyes’ overall health, and eye infections or allergies can be found and treated. That means less discomfort and fewer eye-related problems for your child.

A Brighter Learning Experience

Good vision is super important for learning! Imagine your child can’t see the words in their books or the teacher’s writing on the board. That can be frustrating and hold them back in school. With regular eye exams, you can make sure your child has the best shot at doing well in school.

No More Headaches and Fatigue

Kids with hidden vision problems might get headaches, feel tired, or have trouble focusing. These can make it harder for them to enjoy school and activities. Pediatric Eye Exams can identify these issues early and offer solutions like glasses or eye exercises to make those problems disappear.

Learning Good Eye Habits

Another cool thing about these exams is that they teach kids about taking care of their eyes. They can learn to manage screen time, use proper lighting, and practice good eye hygiene. It’s all about helping them develop healthy eye habits for life.

Pediatric Eye Exams are vital for your child’s health and well-being. By catching vision problems early, you’re setting your child up for success in school and beyond. Plus, you’re ensuring they have a lifetime of healthy eyes.

Remember, your child’s vision matters, so schedule that eye exam today! Call or Text 219-659-3050 to schedule your appointment.

Child’s Eye Health Tips

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Child's Eye Health Tips

Keeping Our Kids’ Eyes Healthy and Bright: Here’s What You Need to Know

Our world is becoming more digital every day, so we must protect our kids’ eyesight. So, whether you’re a parent or grandparent, here are some child’s eye health tips that can help to keep their future bright. 

Eye Checkups: We take our kids to the doctor to check their growth and health; their eyes also need regular checkups. The award winning Dr. Steven A Levin can spot problems early on, such as ‘lazy eye’ or ‘crossed eyes,’ which are easier to fix when caught early.

Good Food: What we eat impacts our eyes. Vitamins A, C, E, and minerals like zinc are great for eye health. Omega-3 fatty acids, usually found in fish, are super important too. Encourage a balanced diet full of fruits, veggies, and nutrient-rich foods.

Screen Breaks: In today’s world, it’s hard to escape screens. But did you know that too much screen time can strain our eyes? Follow the 20-20-20 rule: after every 20 minutes of screen time, look at something about 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Get Outside: Playing outside is fun and good for the eyes. Being in sunlight and looking at distant objects can help prevent nearsightedness.

Wear the Right Gear: Safety first, right? Wear the proper protective glasses whether your child plays a sport or works on a school project. Look for ones with polycarbonate lenses because they are tough and can withstand high impacts.

Protect from Sun: Kids’ eyes are sensitive to UV radiation. So, remember to make your child wear sunglasses that offer 100% UV protection when they’re out in the sun. Yes, even when it’s cloudy.

Wash Hands Often: We all know kids love to explore. But touching their eyes with dirty hands can lead to eye infections. So, let’s make sure they know the importance of washing their hands and not sharing towels or handkerchiefs.

By following these tips, we can help our kids keep their eyes healthy and vision clear. So, let’s help them see the world in all its brilliance. Watch the video below to learn the importance of children’s eye exams.

View Video

Has your child or loved one had an eye exam this year? If not, give us a call or text 219-659-3050 to schedule your appointment to experience award winning eye care today!

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The Importance of Wearing Sunglasses

Written by Levin Eye Care on . Posted in Cataracts, Children, eye disease, Eye Health, Glaucoma, Myopia Management

The importance of wearing sunglasses
We have seen countless trends come and go, but one accessory has stood the test of time—sunglasses. Sunglasses play a vital role in protecting our eyes and enhancing our well-being. We will cover the importance of wearing Sunglasses and why they should be part of our daily lives.

Protection from Harmful UV Rays:

The purpose of sunglasses is to shield our eyes from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Prolonged exposure to UV rays can lead to various eye conditions, including cataracts, macular degeneration, and photokeratitis (cornea sunburn). Wearing sunglasses with UV-protective lenses, we can reduce the risk of these issues and safeguard our precious vision.

Preventing Eye Strain and Fatigue:

Squinting against the sun’s glare strains our eyes, causing discomfort and fatigue. Sunglasses can combat this issue and help block excessive brightness and reduce the stress on our eyes. Whether driving, enjoying outdoor activities, or strolling on a sunny day, sunglasses become your reliable companion, enabling you to stay focused and enjoy the moment.

Preserving Youthful Appearance:

Sunglasses also maintain our youthful appearance beyond the functional benefits. Sunglasses shield the delicate skin around our eyes from harmful UV radiation, preventing premature aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and sunspots. By investing in quality sunglasses, we not only protect our eyes but also maintain a more youthful and vibrant appearance.

Preventing Eye Allergies and Irritations:

Sunglasses act as a physical barrier, shielding our eyes from airborne allergens like dust, pollen, and debris. This is crucial for those with sensitive eyes or individuals prone to seasonal allergies. By minimizing exposure to these irritants, sunglasses provide a much-needed respite, reducing itchiness, redness, and watering of the eyes.

Enhancing Visual Clarity and Comfort:

Glare from sunlight can impair our vision, making it difficult to see , especially in outdoor activities or driving. Sunglasses with polarized lenses help by filtering out the horizontal glare, allowing us to see with enhanced clarity and contrast. This reduction in visual strain ensures optimal comfort, making sunglasses an indispensable accessory for anyone seeking clear, hassle-free vision.
With 50 years of eye care experience and countless awards, we know the many benefits and the importance of wearing sunglasses. From protecting our eyes against harmful UV rays to preserving our youthful appearance and enhancing visual comfort, sunglasses impact our well-being.
Remember, your eyes deserve the best, so call or text us to make sunglasses an essential part of your everyday style and eye care regimen. Embrace the shades and enjoy a brighter, healthier future for your eyes! 

How Vision Therapy Helped My Child Overcome Her Struggles in Kindergarten

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Vision Therapy Helped My Child Overcome Her Struggles in Kindergarten

Before vision therapy

Gretchen’s family had multiple discussions with the school regarding special education and being held back. They placed Gretchen in the school RTI (response to intervention) program regarding reading struggles. Gretchen was experiencing struggles in kindergarten with handwriting and had a hard time with reading sight words. Also, she lacked confidence and was down on herself for not doing as well as her twin sister.

Her family spent many hours helping Gretchen after school, and she continued to have challenges. Before starting kindergarten, Gretchen was evaluated by another pediatric eye specialist in Northwest Indiana. Still, surprisingly they did not diagnose Gretchen with any problems because there is a family history of visually learning-related challenges.

Gretchen’s grandmother is a retired teacher who previously had a student who was having struggles in kindergarten with the same issues but had success with the Levin Eye Care Center vision therapy program. She took an interest in her student’s eye care issues because the family has a history of double vision. She was glad she kept the Levin Eye Care Center paperwork and suggested we have Gretchen evaluated there.

This year (second grade), the school has asked if they could test Gretchen for reading impairment and other health impairment-vision due to falling behind her classmates. Gretchen did the first round of Vision Therapy and saw much improvement in her reading, sight words, spelling, and writing skills, but she needed additional vision therapy to catch up to her classmates.

After Vision Therapy

Gretchen now exhibits the following:

  • Excels academically and is excited about school
  • Mastering her sight words
  • Receives A’s and B’s on the report card 
  • Reading more fluently, mastering spelling tests, and writing better
  • Boost in confidence, wants to go to school and enjoys doing her homework

Since completing the Levin Eye Care Center vision therapy program, Gretchen has had a fantastic work ethic and strong reading and listening comprehension. She enjoys working on her reading fluency and written expression. Gretchen appears to be happier overall with being successful in school and feels proud of herself for learning to read, doing well in math, mastering spelling tests, and reading books herself.

If your child or grandchild is having trouble in school and their future is a priority, make a positive change before it’s too late.

Protect your child’s future and schedule an appointment with our award-winning team at Levin Eye Care Center! 

Myopia Management for Children

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Myopia Management for Children at Levin Eye Care Center

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a growing problem among children today, with diagnosis rates increasing yearly. It’s vital to manage myopia in children to ensure they can maintain good vision throughout their lives. But why is myopia management for children so important, especially in school? Let’s take a closer look.

The Importance of Good Vision for Learning

Good vision is essential for children’s success in school and can better take in the information presented in the classroom, whether written on the board, in a textbook, or computer screen. This is especially important in the early school years when children are still developing their reading and writing skills. Good vision helps children focus, concentrate, and retain information easier, setting them up for success in the classroom and beyond.

The Link Between Myopia and Learning

Myopia can have a significant impact on children’s ability to learn. Children with myopia have trouble seeing things clearly in the distance, making it difficult to see the board or a teacher’s gestures from their seats in the classroom. This can make it difficult for them to fully participate in class and comprehend, leading to lower grades and difficulty keeping up with their peers.

Children with myopia are also more likely to experience eyestrain and headaches, which can further impact their ability to focus and concentrate in the classroom. Over time, myopia can progress if left untreated, leading to more severe vision problems, such as retinal detachment or cataracts!

Myopia Management for Children

The good news is that myopia can be managed, and several options are available to help children succeed in the classroom. Some of these options include:

  • Prescription glasses or contact lenses are the most common form of correction for myopia and can help children see things clearly in the distance.
  • The 20-20-20 rule: When using a digital device for extended periods, every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
  • Limit Screen time: Train children to use screens 24 inches or farther away rather than under 12 inches, which is too close to the eyes.
  • Lifestyle changes: Encouraging children to spend more time outdoors and engaging in physical activity can help reduce the risk of myopia progression.

The Importance of Regular Eye Exams

Regular eye exams are essential for myopia management in children. Eye exams help identify myopia early on and track its progression, allowing doctors to make any necessary adjustments to the child’s prescription. Regular eye exams also help detect other vision problems affecting a child’s ability to learn, such as astigmatism or amblyopia (lazy eye).

In conclusion, myopia management is essential for children’s success in the classroom. Good vision is critical for learning, and children with myopia are at a disadvantage if their condition is not correctly managed. 

If you have concerns about your child’s vision, schedule a comprehensive eye exam with Levin Eye Care Center. With the proper treatment and lifestyle changes, children with myopia can maintain good vision and continue to succeed in the classroom and beyond!

Are Your Child’s Eyes Crossing Frequently?

Written by Levin Eye Care on . Posted in Child and Pediatric Care, Children, Eye Health, Vision Therapy

Child’s Eyes Cross

Do you ever notice your child’s eyes crossing or moving in different directions?

Just as babies slowly learn to walk and talk, they must also learn to see and correctly use their eyes to experience the world around them. Learning to focus their eyes, move them and use them together accurately is a process that takes place over time during infancy and childhood. If you notice your child’s eyes crossing or turning in different directions beyond the age of four months, this could be more concerning.

Crossing Eyes Are Normal In A Newborn

A common question we hear from parents is, “My baby’s eyes cross sometimes and move in different directions. What does it mean?” Since a baby’s visual system isn’t fully developed until later in childhood, it is normal for their eyes to cross or wander occasionally during the first few months of life. This should stop, however, after four months of age.


Past Four Months, It May Be Strabismus

If you notice that your child’s eyes crossing or turning in different directions most of the time or beyond the age of four months, they may have strabismus. Strabismus is an eye condition in which both eyes don’t look at the same place at the same time. It can occur in one or both eyes, be constant or occur intermittently, and can be present from birth or develop later, most often by the age of three.

Strabismus can be caused by a number of things. The problem may occur in the muscles around the eye, the part of the brain that directs eye movements, or the nerves that transmit information to the eye muscles. Certain health conditions such as down syndrome and cerebral palsy may make a child more likely to develop strabismus.

Early Treatment Is Important

Strabismus can cause double vision and interferes with a person’s ability to perceive depth. Some people may think that their child will outgrow strabismus, but this is untrue. In fact, if strabismus is left untreated, it can progress to amblyopia, or lazy eye.

When the eyes are misaligned, the brain receives two different images. If left untreated, the brain will eventually ignore the image from the turned or crossed eye, permanently reducing vision in that eye. This is when amblyopia occurs.

The good news is that strabismus, if treated early, can be corrected with much success. Treatment options include:

  • Eyeglasses or contact lenses
  • Prism lenses
  • Vision therapy
  • Eye muscle surgery

Eye Exams Are Crucial To Your Child’s Vision Health

Infants should have their first comprehensive eye exam at six months. During their exam, we ensure that your child’s eyes are developing and working together properly. If you notice your child’s eyes crossing, frequently turning or wandering before they are six months old, call us and set up an appointment. It’s never too early to make sure that your child’s vision is healthy!

Thank you for trusting us with your family’s vision health!

The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.